var vm = new Vue({ el:"#school-list", data:{ loading:false, allSchools:[], vsSchools:[], page:0, uniOrCollege:'university', localProvinceRange:['山东省', '浙江省', '广东省', '海南省', '辽宁省'], uniProvince:['北京', '天津', '河北', '山西', '辽宁', '吉林', '黑龙江', '上海', '江苏', '浙江', '安徽', '福建', '江西', '山东', '河南', '湖北', '湖南', '广东', '重庆', '四川', '陕西', '内蒙古','广西','海南','贵州','云南','西藏','甘肃','青海','宁夏','新疆','台湾','香港','澳门'], uniType:['综合','理工','农林','医药','师范','语言','财经','政法','体育','艺术','民族','军事','其他'], uniProperty:['公立','民办','中外合作办学','内地与港澳台地区合作办学'], universityTags: ['C9','985','211','保研资格','研究生院','教育部直属','中央部属','强基计划','世界一流大学建设高校','世界一流学科建设高校'], collegeTags: ['中央部属','高水平学校建设单位(A档)','高水平学校建设单位(B档)','高水平学校建设单位(C档)','高水平专业群建设单位(A档)','高水平专业群建设单位(B档)','高水平专业群建设单位(C档)'], uniTags:[], searchWords: '', sortBy: 'id', signature:'', }, methods: { getSignature(){ this.signature = this.getCookie('signature') }, switchUniOrCollege(){ this.uniOrCollege = this.uniOrCollege == 'university' ? 'college' : 'university'; if(this.uniOrCollege == 'university'){ this.uniTags = this.universityTags; }else{ this.uniTags = this.collegeTags; } this.initSchool(); }, search(){ document.getElementById("form").reset(); //start to search data this.initSchool(); }, //school change listener schoolChangeListener(e){ //judge click from if(( != "LABEL"){ //console.log(( this.allSchools = []; = 0; this.getSchoolData(); } }, //init filter parameter initSchool(){ this.allSchools = []; = 0; this.getSchoolData(); }, // get form data getSchoolData(){ // set loading status this.loading = true; // start to get school data setTimeout(() => { const formDom = document.getElementById("form"); let formData = new FormData(formDom); //ajax call this.ajaxInvoke(formData); }, 33);; }, // ajax post ajaxInvoke(formData){ let Ajax = new XMLHttpRequest(); let url = '';"POST", url); formData.append('page',; formData.append('item',this.uniOrCollege); formData.append('sort',this.sortBy); formData.append('search',this.searchWords); formData.append('signature',this.signature); Ajax.send(formData); Ajax.onreadystatechange = ()=> { if(Ajax.readyState==4){ //console.log(Ajax.responseText); let data = Ajax.responseText; data = atob(data); if(JSON.parse(data).code == '400'){ alert('页面停留太久,请刷新...'); } let res = JSON.parse(data).data; let code = res.uni_code; this.allSchools = this.allSchools.concat(res); // get the result,close the loading bar this.loading = false; //add web detail information this.addWebInfo() } } }, addWebInfo(){ // add web information let num = this.allSchools.length; // edit loading message if(num ==0){ document.getElementById("loading").innerHTML = "o(╥﹏╥)o,没找到结果,换个条件吧..."; }else{ document.getElementById("loading").innerHTML = "点击加载更多..."; } //add web information for (let index = 0; index < num; index++) { let code = this.allSchools[index].uni_code; this.getWebInfo(index, code); } }, // add university to vs addToVs(e){ // console.log([0].value) id =[0].value if(this.vsSchools.indexOf(this.allSchools[id]) < 0){ if(this.vsSchools.length < 5){ this.vsSchools = this.vsSchools.concat(this.allSchools[id]) }else{ alert('最多支持5个院校对比哦~') } } }, // clear vs schools clearVsItems(){ this.vsSchools = [] }, // create vs schools result createVsResult(){ vsSchoolsCode = '' for (let index = 0; index < this.vsSchools.length; index++) { const element = this.vsSchools[index].uni_code; vsSchoolsCode = vsSchoolsCode + '|' + element } this.setCookie("vsSchoolsCk", vsSchoolsCode) // open new tab"/university-all/compare.php",'_blank') }, // set cookie setCookie(cname, cvalue, exdays) { var d = new Date(); d.setTime(d.getTime() + (exdays * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000)); var expires = "expires=" + d.toGMTString(); document.cookie = cname + "=" + cvalue + "; " + expires + ";path=/"; }, // get cookie getCookie(cname){ var name = cname + "="; var ca = document.cookie.split(';'); for(var i=0; i { if(Ajax.readyState==4){ let data = Ajax.responseText; res = JSON.parse(data).data; //set school detail info if(res[0] != undefined && res[0] != "" && vm.allSchools[index]){ Vue.set( vm.allSchools[index], "webUrl", res[0].url); Vue.set( vm.allSchools[index], "webThumb", res[0].thumb); Vue.set( vm.allSchools[index], "views", res[0].views); } } } }, pressEnter(){ document.addEventListener("keydown", (event)=> { // enter to search if (event.code === 'Enter') {; } }) }, loadingMore(){ let num = this.allSchools.length; if(num > 100){ alert('小主,您操作太频繁啦,休息一下继续...'); }else{ this.getSchoolData(); } } }, mounted(){ // init get signature this.getSignature(); // init uniTags this.uniTags = this.universityTags; // get school information this.initSchool(); //deal with press enter button this.pressEnter(); }, });